2016年12月27日 星期二

dokuwiki enable XMLRPC

Admin -> Configuration Settings -> Authentication

remote -> V
remoteuser -> admin, peter, .....

2016年12月26日 星期一


screen0_output_mode: Output mode for screen0: 
mode used for tv/hdmi output used for vga output
0 480i 1680*1050
1 576i 1440*900
2 480p 1360*768
3 576p 1280*1024
4 720p50 1024*768
5 720p60 800*600
6 1080i50 640*480
7 1080i60
8 1080p24
9 1080p50
10 1080p60 1920*1080
11 pal 1280*720
14 ntsc

References :
Fex Guide - linux-sunxi.org

Banana Pi change HDMI resolution

# vi uEnv.txt
Change this
to this

References :
How can I change the monitor resolution on a Banana Pro? - Stack Overflow

locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory

# locale-gen zh_TW.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8

References :
[Ubuntu] 如何設定語系locale | David's Blog