2014年2月26日 星期三

BackTrack / Kali penetration test tools

ParolaPass - The Password Generator
Find Host IP - Finds the IP address of a website. (找不到專案網頁,但有另一個在線服務http://just-ping.com)

DDOS Tools
DDOSIM - Layer 7 DDoS Simulator
Pyloris - A protocol agnostic application layer denial of service attack
Slowloris - HTTP DoS
Tor's Hammer - Slow POST Denial Of Service Testing Tool
Anonymous HOIC (High Orbit Ion Cannon) - DDoS tool

SQL injection tools
sqlmap (Python)
Havij - Advanced SQL Injection
Sql Poison - SQLi Exploit Scanner

Admin page finders
Admin Finder - Admin Page Finder

Password decrypters
John the Ripper - John the Ripper password cracker
Hash Identifier - identify the different types of hashes

XChat - Multiplatform Chat Program
Pidgin - the universal chat client

Tor - Anonymity Online
Vidalia - cross-platform graphical controller for the Tor
Polipo - a caching web proxy
JonDo - the IP changer
I2P - Anonymous Network
HTTPS Everywhere - HTTPS Everywhere is a Firefox and Chrome extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites
FoxyProxy - proxy management tools for Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer
Greasemonkey -Customize the way a web page displays or behaves, by using small bits of JavaScript

Wireshark - network protocol analyzer

Zenmap - cross-platform Nmap Security Scanner GUI

Web Application Scanner
Vega (Java)
How to use Vega Web Vulnerability Scanner in Kali Linux
Wapiti (Python)

References :
List of tools in BackTrack - Secpedia
Kali LInux Metapackages | Kali Linux

