2014年2月10日 星期一

Upload your package PyPI

PyPI — the Python Package Index

Create your accounts

PyPI Live 

PyPI Test

Create a .pypirc configuration file

[distutils] # this tells distutils what package indexes you can push to
    index-servers =
        PyPI # the live PyPI
        PyPI-test # test PyPI
    [PyPI] # authentication details for live PyPI
    repository: https://PyPI.python.org/PyPI
    username: {{your_username}}
    password: {{your_password}}
    [PyPI-test] # authentication details for test PyPI
    repository: https://testPyPI.python.org/PyPI
    username: {{your_username}}

Prepare your package

root-dir/   # arbitrary working directory name

from distutils.core import setup
        name = 'mypackage',
        packages = ['mypackage'], # this must be the same as the name above
        version = '0.1',
        description = 'A random test lib',
        author = 'Ajay',
        author_email = 'aj@gmail.com',
        url = 'https://github.com/ajkumar25/mypackage',   # use the URL to the github repo
        download_url = 'https://github.com/ajkumar25/mypackage/tarball/0.1', # I'll explain this in a second
        keywords = ['testing', 'logging', 'example'], # arbitrary keywords
        classifiers = [],

description-file = README.md

Register your package

$ python setup.py register -r PyPI-test


Upload your package

Upload to PyPI Test

$ python setup.py sdist upload -r PyPI-test

Upload to PyPI Live

$ python setup.py register -r PyPI

$ python setup.py sdist upload -r PyPI

References :
How to Create a Python Library | Pypix


