2012年6月18日 星期一

vim + pylint

Drop pylint.vim in ~/.vim/compiler directory. Ensure that your PATH environment variable includes the path to 'pylint' executable.

"   Above is realized with :Pylint command. To disable calling Pylint every
"   time a buffer is saved put into .vimrc file
"       let g:pylint_onwrite = 0
"   Displaying code rate calculated by Pylint can be avoided by setting
"       let g:pylint_show_rate = 0
"   Openning of QuickFix window can be disabled with
"       let g:pylint_cwindow = 0
"   Of course, standard :make command can be used as in case of every
"   other compiler.

Reference :
pylint.vim - compiler plugin for python style checking tool : vim online

